How to Order
To order a product from our website, simply add your chosen product to the cart making sure that you are happy with your selection. Once you have completed the checkout process, you will receive an order confirmation via email which will provide you with a secure link for you to supply us with any necessary image files.
Artwork should be created to the exact size of the product you have ordered. For canvas prints and fine art paper prints, select RGB as the colour mode and save the file at a minimum resolution of 300dpi, in a .jpeg format. If white space is required around your printed image please include this within the dimensions of the artwork. If you are unable to do any of this, simply let us know and we'll do it for you!
Once we recieve your image/artwork file, we'll inspect to make sure the best possible results are achieved. Please note we do not colour-correct images as we print directly from files supplied but we will contact you via email if we notice anything abnormal.
Your order will be fulfilled with great care and attention to detail. All of our items are made to order. We aim to dispatch all orders within 3 working days. Delivery time is approximately 1-2 working days. Contact us in advance if your order is needed urgently and we will do our very best to make you happy!